Monday, August 31, 2009

A1Books India - THE 21ST SHADE OF AUTUMN: ISBN: 938015402X

A1Books India - THE 21ST SHADE OF AUTUMN: ISBN: 938015402X

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A borrower of Bernard Shaw’s words, declaring; we are guided more than often by a wisdom that is administered through inexperienced and malexperienced dupes, I learnt from history not to learn from history.
There are two kinds of humans, the suffering human who thinks and the other; the thinking human who suffers, people belonging to any one of these two categories have an easy way out, but the one belonging circumstantially to the two groups faces chances of extermination. Someone not born with silver spoon in his mouth, is when made to bear the brunt of cultures across the country, suffers annihilation to persona. Under circumstances as such there is always a chance of losing the self in the sea of varying identities, if the soul is not in tandem with the nuances that do time and again jostle with the persona from deep within. Also, there is bound to be a permanent hue of loneliness around a person who had in spite of all the seemingly entertaining circumstances suffered setbacks, not because of emotional isolation but because of thoughts creating a quagmire out of which he cannot emancipate himself. Then he is bound to walk the tight rope between the extremes of optimism and cynicism, and then he tries to the brink to unfetter himself from this stage of boredom.
I have lived most of my life being in a situation where my past has been forced to hold its breath and I have mindlessly maneuvered myself towards a callous future. This very personal act again and again makes me repent my actions retrospectively. Moreover I suffer an anathema that hampers my ways of dealing with situations basically because of the fact that life and its aspects have so far not been very rewarding to me and I have strived hard for the things that come most naturally in the way of a person. My actions and thoughts have constantly maintained a relation of antagonism and have kept nudging each other for priorities that probably even matter not to them.
Amidst all these alternating canvasses, time has painted my portrait with the haphazard strokes of the brush of time. My thinking is extremely odd and the actions and behaviors fail to keep consonance with each other, keeping in mind the problems that can stand in way. Thus the mind is made to suffer the agonies that results out of the friction and the non-compliance of the aforesaid. My poems are catalog to the deep feelings that I am more than often unable to communicate to the people around me through my actions or words. My mental trims get pampered every time they get a chance to collect their scruffy emotions. This in short the pretext upon which I do base my poems or rather my poems tactically find a way of coming to picture and doing me a favor by unleashing me.
I start with the poem ‘An Year on End’ being a believer of the fact that –
Today is yesterday’s tomorrow and will be tomorrow’s yesterday
A copy of the book can be had from the afore mentioned link.